Misery follows successful romance novelist Paul Sheldon, who is rescued from a car crash by his “number one fan,” Annie Wilkes, and wakes up captive in her secluded home. While Paul is convalescing, Annie reads his latest book and becomes enraged when she discovers the author has killed off her favorite character, Misery Chastain. Annie forces Paul to write a new Misery novel, and he quickly realizes Annie has no intention of letting him go anywhere. The irate Annie has Paul writing as if his life depends on it, and it does.
Generously Sponsored by Dobie Edmunds, Lee Hunt and Joan Meisel
Directed by Robert Zelenka
Starring Thomas Gibson, Angela Squire, and Jeanette Seisdedos
The show runs approximately 2hrs with one 15minute intermission
Opening/Closing Gala Tickets $35 online, $40 at the door
$20 General, $15 students/seniors
Gala tickets include a champagne toast and meet and greet with the cast after the performance.